ONDCP: What You Need To Know About Drug Testing in Schools

Knížka přináší pohled ze Spojených států na kontroverzní téma školního testování dětí a mládeže na užití ilegálních drog. Materiál přináší odpověď na otázky, co by měli vědět žáci, rodiče a učitelé před tím, než přistoupíme k testování. Důležitou je otázka, co vám testy řeknou o užití drog, ale také, jaké limity samotného testování.


It is an important question, and ultimately one best left to parents, teachers, and school administrators. There is no single right or wrong answer, no "one size fits all" solution. A decision in June 2002 by the U.S. Supreme Court expands the authority of public schools to test students for drugs. Still, it is up to individual communities and schools to decide if drugs are a significant threat, and if testing is an appropriate response.

The question of whether to test students for drugs or alcohol should never be taken lightly. It involves myriad complex issues that must be fully understood and carefully weighed before testing begins. The Office of National Drug Control Policy has put together What You Need To Know About Drug Testing in Schools to shed light and offer perspective on this multifaceted and sometimes controversial topic. Our aim is to provide anyone who is considering a drug-testing program in his or her community with a broad understanding of the issue and solid, up-to-date information on which to base a decision.

Included in this booklet are answers to questions that students, parents, school officials, and other concerned individuals might have about the process. It explains, generally, what drug testing is all about, who pays for it, who does the testing, what it tells you about an individual´s drug use, and, equally important, what it does not tell you. The booklet describes what services should be in place for communities to deal effectively with students who test positive for drugs, and it also offers case histories (pages 3 and 12) showing how several schools used testing to address their drug problems. Their experiences may help others determine whether testing is right for their communities.

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