Smokers Have More Problems Coping with Disasters, Study Says

Zdroj: Reuters | 27. 2. 2007 |

Smokers who survive disasters are more likely to subsequently develop mental-health problems than nonsmoking survivors, Reuters reported.

A study of 662 adult survivors of a fireworks disaster in the Netherlands found that smokers were twice as likely to have severe anxiety disorders than nonsmokers, three times as likely to have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and almost twice as likely to have severe hostility problems four years after the study began.

Researchers noted that while PTSD is known to cause increased smoking, few studies have looked at whether prior smoking is a risk factor for mental-health problem following a traumatic event.

The finding led researchers to say that disaster victims could reduce their risk of later mental-health problems if they quit smoking.

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Pohlížet na kuřáka, který se marně snaží zbavit závislosti na nikotinu, jako na slabocha, jemuž chybí pevná vůle, je sice běžné, nicméně naprosto scestné. Stejně jako v jiných případech se i v tomto hlásí o slovo genetická výbava každého jedince, jež rozhoduje o tom, zda odvykací proces bude snadný nebo zhola nemožný.

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